While certain games remain staples in arcades, it is important for an arcade to always be refreshing some of its content with the latest and greatest titles. So if you happen upon a new game, follow this process to bring it into your arcade.
NOTE: This is for standard per-minute titles. For other titles, and to understand how licensing works, see our "Licensing and Game Costs Explained" article.
- Go to your License Portal and select the Game Store.
- Find the game you'd like, and click on it.
- Review the information under the thumbnail to understand how the game is priced:
- If the game says "Free to License: Acquire through Steam" or has an initial price, just go straight to Steam on each booth and manually purchase/download the game. DO NOT purchase the Steam Commercial license - purchase/download a regular copy of the game.
- If the game says "Request Licenses", click on that and enter the number of VR booths you have.
- Scroll down the page until you find a list of your facility's booths and check the box next to all booths you want the game for.
- Refresh the page, and the keys will show up below your booth list.
- Activate one key on each booth's Steam account (For help with activating keys, follow this link)
- Restart Time Clock on each booth - It should find the new game and add it to your Game Chooser.
And that's it! You're all set.